Scan For Tags When Idle? When checked and your computer is idle, your documents will be scanned. All tags (but not the text being affected by tags) will be labeled with the default font, color, style, and size specified for tags. Scan for Valid Tags On Close When checked, your documents will be checked for tag validity. Note: The checking World Wide Web Weaver does is no better than the average spell checker, though it will find the most common mistakes. Default Style When Typing When checked all text that you type (outside of tags) will be in the default font, color, style & size (as specified to the left). Use Styled Text Tags When checked, tags will be drawn with styled text (ie. colors). After selecting a format tag… Allows you to choose where you want the cursor to be after inserting a format tag. Auto-Translate Special Characters When checked, Web Weaver will automatically translate non-standard characters (special characters) to their equivalent HTML tag when a HTML tag exists. Note: The characters " & < > will NOT be translated. Select Preview Helper Allows you to select the application that is used for previewing your HTML document. Show Head Editor When Creating New Documents If checked, the head tag editor will automatically open when you create new documents. Auto-Comment Allows you to turn auto-commenting on and off. Auto-Commenting automatically labels some tags when you use some tag editors. Tag Font Color Allows you to select the DEFAULT font color that is used to display HTML tags. Note: Some tag editors such as Links and Tables use their own settings. Tag Font Style Allows you to select the DEFAULT font style that is used to display HTML tags. Note: Some tag editors such as Links and Tables use their own settings. Tag Font Size Allows you to select the DEFAULT font size that is used to display HTML tags. Note: Some tag editors such as Links and Tables use their own settings. Tag Font Allows you to select the DEFAULT font that is used to display HTML tags. Note: Some tag editors such as Links and Tables use their own settings.